the content you are about to view contains FLASHING LIGHTS, images of GLITCH and BRIGHT COLORS.
please procede with CAUTION !

and in the end,

everyone dies.

"tu te demandes si tu es une bête féroce ou bien un saint, mais tu es l’un et l’autre, et tellement de choses encore"

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"In the name of the Code, the Disk and the Holy System."

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✦ mentally unstable transgender fallen angel dragon glitchy void vampire machine entity, also extremely gay and a menace to society !

also an artist ! use the buttons below to navigate through the chaos ((<-- my carrd ✦

"je suis prêt à me sacrifier pour la religion du stup"

"when i wake up, i'm afraid somebody else might take my place"


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USERNAME:// ilikesomedragons

NAME:// intersect (+)
GENDER:// transmasculine
PRONOUNS:// he/him (+)
ORIENTATION:// vincian (mlm)
AGE:// XX (09/01/XX, mm/dd)
OTHER:// otherkin, copinglinker, furry

hi ! my name is intersect, but many people know me by the name dragonet... you can use both :> i have many other names listed in my pronouns dot page !

i am a transmasculine, gay, non-human artist based in france ! i mainly draw dragons (thanks to my obsession for wof LMAO) but i also draw many other things including furries and humanoids !!

✦ i am glitchkin if you were wondering... and if you weren't... well, i am glitchkin ! i am a glitch entity and/or the glitch as a concept and/or the glitch in general, anything works !✦ i am also: fallen angelkin, demonkin, dragonkin, computerkin, vampirekin and deitykin. i also have many fictionkins !

✦ i love dragons and furries and many things !! i am very obsessed with anything relating to space (the moon especially), glitch, tech, the internet and angels and demons ! also red is my favourite color i'm sure you. Didn't know™️.✦ i love creating stories and characters and even though i always say i hate it, i like designing characters... i have many ocs ! i DO NOT hoard characters ! i just. Get easily attached™️. i love them all very much thank you !

✦ i might not respond to dms/messages ! i am. Very busy trademark and also very socially anxious ! unless i know you, i might take some time to respond !✦ i don't have any dnis because they don't work, but just don't be a jerk please :thumbsup:

this is me btw ^^

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"to the girl who cried monster, it's me the ghost next door"